Constante González Groba
Constante González Groba é Catedrático da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, onde vén impartindo clases de Literatura Norteamericana desde 1983. Foi bolseiro Fulbright na Universidade de Texas en Austin. A súa liña fundamental de investigación é a narrativa feminina do Sur dos EE. UU., con especial atención ás interaccións de xénero, raza e sexualidade. Editou textos paralelos en inglés e español de Criticism and Fiction, de William Dean Howells e The Responsibilities of the Novelist, de Frank Norris. É autor dunha edición crítica de The Awakening, de Kate Chopin, orientada a estudantes universitarios. É tamén autor do libro La novelística de Carson McCullers: soledad, amor e identidad, ademais de ensaios e capítulos de libros sobre Carson McCullers, Stephen Crane, Lee Smith, Lillian Smtih, Elizabeth Madox Roberts, Bobbie Ann Mason, Ellen Glasgow, Harper Lee, Colson Whitehead, Ron Rash, entre outros autores. O seu último libro é On Their Own Premises: Southern Women Writers and the Homeplace (Universitat de Valéncia, 2008). Editou o libro Hijas del Viejo Sur: la mujer en la literatura del Sur de los Estados Unidos (Universitat de Valéncia, 2012), que inclúe tres capítulos seus, así como o volume Unsteadily Marching On: The US South in Motion (Universitat de Valéncia, 2013), unha colección de ensaios de especialistas na literatura e cultura do Sur dos EE. UU. É coautor do libro Pathologizing Black Bodies: The Legacy of Plantation Slavery con Ewa Luczak y Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis (Routledge, 2023).. Liderou proxectos de investigación competitivos sobre as mulleres escritoras do sur estadounidense, sobre a ficción sureña e os dereitos civís e sobre a autobiografía feminina do sur, así como a relación entre raza e corpo na literatura e audiovisual estadounidense.
Pathologizing Black Bodies: The Legacy of Plantation Slavery. Co-authored with Ewa Luczak and Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis. New York: Routledge, 2023. ISBN: 978-1-032-40962-7.
“Is It Gender or Is It Race?: To Kill a Mockingbird and Its Film Adaptation”. Polish Journal for American Studies, vol. 16, 2022, pp. 11-28. DOI: 10.7311/PJAS.16/2022.02
“‘The Forces That Came Together to Inflict That Pain’: Class, Race, and Sexuality in Ellen Feldman’s Scottsboro.” REN: Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 26, 2022, pp. 53-75. ISSN 1133-309-X.
“Internal Colonialism and the Wasteland Theme in Ron Rash’s Serena”. ATLANTIS, vol. 42, no. 2, December 2020, pp. 119-37. ISSN 0210-6124.
“Revisiting The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter: Carson McCullers’ ‘Ironic Parable of Fascism’”. Ex-Centric Souths: (Re)Imagining Southern Centers and Peripheries, edited by Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis. Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2019, pp. 165-179. ISBN 978-84-9134-548-0.
“Riding the Rails to (Un)Freedom: Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad”. PJAS (Polish Journal of American Studies), vol. 13, Autumn 2019, pp. 255-270. ISNN 1733-9154.
“European Existentialism Becomes an Impetus for Change in the American South: Carson McCullers’ Clock without Hands”. Ideas Crossing the Atlantic: Theories, Normative Conceptions and Cultural Images, edited by Waldemar Zacharasiewicz & Christoph Irmscher. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2019, pp. 325-342. ISSBN 978-3-7001-8487-4.
“The Emmett Till Case and Its Reverberations in Southern Autobiography”. A Critical Gaze from the Old World: Transatlantic Perspectives on American Studies, edited by Isabel Durán et al. Peter Lang, 2018, pp. 177-195. ISBN 978-3-0343-3480-8.
“Racism and Fascism in Roger Corman’s Film Adaptation of Charles Beaumont’s The Intruder”. Moravian Journal of Literature and Film, vol. 7, nos. 1-2, 2016, pp. 41-57. ISSN 1803-7720.
“Ellen Glasgow’s Life and Gabriella: The Darwinian Struggle for Life and the Romance of Progress”. RÉSONANCES 15.1 (2015): La Vocation au féminin / Women and Vocation. 119-135. ISSN 1245-2262.
“‘So Far as I and My People Are Concerned the South Is Fascist Now and Always Has Been’: Carson McCullers and the Racial Problem”. ATLANTIS 37.2 (December 2015). 63-81. ISSN 0210-6124.
“The View from Elsewhere Shapes the Racial Conversion Narrative: Lillian Smith and Katharine Du Pre Lumpkin”. In The South from Elsewhere. Ed. Marcel Arbeit. Palacký University Olomouc. Olomouc: Czech Republic, 2014. ISBN 978-80-244-4397-3. 55-77.