Research Team 2: LINGUISTICS

USC Senior Members: María de los Ángeles Gómez-González, Antonio Álvarez Rodríguez, Luis Iglesias Rábade, Teresa Sánchez Roura, María del Mar Viña Rouco. 

Research Lines: Applied and contrastive linguistics (synchronic and diachronic perspectives); Corpus linguistics; Teaching and Learning/English Language Acquisition/English as a Foreign Language; Grammatical Description Models; Constructions and Discoursive Markers; Cohesion and Coherence; Multimedia/Digital Communication; and others. 


Research in this area is mainly conducted by the members of the SCIMITAR team, coodinated by María de los Ángeles Gómez-González. SCIMITAR constitutes a forum for international cooperation among researchers oriented to the study of the interface between grammar and discourse, mostly in English, but also in (contrast to) other languages such as Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, French, Dutch or German. In addition to the members belonging to the D&I Research Group, SCIMITAR also brings together researchers from the rest of Spain, from Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Portugal. Since its foundation in 2002, the members of the team have published more than 250 academic works (34 books; 200 articles and book chapters; 20 reviews) in international publishing houses (i.e. John Benjamins, Peter Lang, Routledge) and in high-impact journals within the field of (English) linguistics (i.e. Applied Linguistics, Discourse Studies, Language Sciences, Pragmatics, Word). SCIMITAR has also organized more than 13 international scientific meetings, including three editions of the International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC), held in Santiago de Compostela in 2001, 2003 and 2005. This academic work has led the team to receive favourable evaluations and awards of research funding. The team has been granted, on a competitive basis, more than 19 research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Competitiveness, the Galician Regional Government Xunta de Galicia, the European Union (ERDF), as well as by various international entities such as the Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO, Belgium) or the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada).