- Alonso Alonso, María 2024. “A posthuman approach to BrexLit and bordering practices through an analysis of John Lanchester’s The Wall”, Humanities 13(1) 34 (ISSN: 2076-0787). DOI:
- Jiménez Placer, Susana, 2024. “Domestic Performance in the Jim Crow South: Black Mammies and White Tomboys in Kathryn Stockett’s The Help, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Set a Watchman and Katherine Anne Porter’s Miranda Stories”. Performative Identities and Cultures. From Literature to Social Media editado por Beata Zawadka. Países Bajos: Brill, 2024. [En prensa] “Revisiting the Mammy Image in Kathryn Stockett’s The Help and Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman”. Facets of the South editado por Gerald Preher. [En prensa]
- Fra López, Patricia. 2024. “Georgiana Goddard King e Edith Wharton: dos “peregrinas” norteamericana en Finis Terrae”. Camiños do mar, Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade da Coruña.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura Mª . 2024. Tales of Becoming: Borders and Posthuman Anxieties in Daisy Johnson’s “Starver” (2016). Oceánide, 16, 54-62.;
DOI: 10.37668/oceanide.v16i.123 - Palacios, Manuela. 2024. “Translation, Migration and Gender: Some Ecocritical and Ecofeminist Considerations”, en Translation Studies and Ecology. Mapping the Possibilities of a New, Emerging Field. Eds. María Dasca y Rosa Cerarols. Routledge, 2024: 98-118. eBook ISBN: 9781003300878.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003300878-8
Acceso abierto: - Sacido Romero, Jorge. 2024. “I Am My Mother’s Phallus and a Bastard like My Father: Oedipus (Con)textualized in A. L. Kennedy’s “A Bad Son” (2002) (en prensa). Hyphenated Identities: Short Forms and Adolescence (Colección “Youth in a Globalizing World”). Leiden: Brill.
- Sacido Romero, Jorge. 2024. “The Postmodernist Short Story: Four First Collections by American and English Authors”. Handbook of the Short Story in the World. Leiden: Brill
- Varela Zapata, Jesús. 2004. “The Long Way to Emancipation in Margaret Laurence’s A Jest of God.” Canada & Beyond, 13 (2024), 105-120.
- Alonso Alonso, María. 2023. “Caribbean Diasporic Marvellous Realism”. The Oxford Handbook of Global Realisms. Eds. Katherine Bowers and Margarita Vaysman, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
- Alonso Alonso, María. 2023. “Precariedade, abxección e subversión: a representación da nova diáspora galega nas artes”. Novas diásporas. A nova vaga de emigración galega en contexto. Ed. Antía Pérez Caramés, Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega.
- Alonso Alonso, María. 2023. “British Border Epistemologies: a posthuman approach to Brexit through the lens of speculative fiction”
Revista: Humanities
Base de datos: Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), Art & Architecture Source (EBSCO), Art Abstracts (EBSCO), CAB Abstracts (CABI), Humanities Abstracts (EBSCO), RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale), Art Index (EBSCO), ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association), Education Source (EBSCO), MLA – Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America), Religion and Philosophy Collection (EBSCO) - Alonso Alonso, María. 2023. “Posthuman Intersections in BrexLit: Representing Migration in Contemporary British Fiction”,
Revista: Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 64(5), (ISSN: 0011-1619). DOI:
Base de datos: Arts and Humanities Citation Index (Clarivate), Scopus (ELSEVIER), IBZ Online (De Gruyter), International Bibliography of Social Sciences (London School of Economics and Political Science) [ProQuest], RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale), MLA – Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America), Political Science Complete (EBSCO) - Alonso Alonso, María. 2023. “Central American Migration to the United States in the Young Adult Novel We Are Not from Here, by Jenny Torres Sanchez”,
Revista: Anuario de literatura infantil y juvenil ANILIJ, 21: EN PRENSA (ISSN: 1578-6072).
Base de datos: CARHUS Plus+ 2018
LATINDEX. Catálogo v2.0 (2018 – ) (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Sello de calidad FECYT
Directory of Open Access Journals
ERIHPlus (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills)
LATINDEX. Catálogo v1.0 (2002 – 2017)
REDIB. Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y conocimiento científicoDOI: - Alonso Alonso, María. 2023. “British-LatinX Writers: Self-Representation of the New Latin American Diaspora in the UK”.
Revista: Cultural Dynamics 35(3), 177 – 200 (ISSN: 1461-7048). DOI:
Base de datos: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate), Scopus (ELSEVIER), Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), IBZ Online (De Gruyter), International Bibliography of Social Sciences (London School of Economics and Political Science) [ProQuest], Index Islamicus (Brill), Linguistic Bibliography (Brill), Public Affairs Index (EBSCO), Geobase (ELSEVIER), MLA – Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America), Political Science Complete (EBSCO), Social services abstracts (ProQuest), Sociological abstracts (ProQuest), Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (ProQuest)
DOI: - Alonso Alonso, María. 2023.“Brexit, BrexLit e a nova diáspora galega”
Revista: Grial 237: 45 – 51 (ISSN: 0017-4181).
Base de datos: Periodicals Index Online (ProQuest), DIALNET (Universidad de la Rioja), Linguistic Bibliography (Brill), MLA – Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America)
Evaluada en: CARHUS Plus+ 2018 - Egea Castañeda, Samuel. Bridging Cultures: English and American Studies in Spain, editado por Luis J. Conejero Magro et al. Cáceres: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Extremadura.
- Estévez Saá, Margarita . 2023. “Anne Fogarty and Marisol Morales-Ladrón, eds., Deirdre Madden: New Critical Perspectives”
Revista: Irish University Review 53.1, 207-210
Base de datos: Arts and Humanities Citation Index (Clarivate), Scopus (ELSEVIER), RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale), MLA – Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America)
Evaluada en: CARHUS Plus+ 2018
ERIHPlus (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills)
Métricas en: SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources - Gómez González, Mª de los Ángeles. 2023. Teaching and Learning English Phnetics” en Digital Technologies and Gaming. p. 87-108
- Gómez González, Mª de los Ángeles. 2023. ”Teaching and Learning Pronunciation trough Serious Games”, en Digital Technologies and Gaming. p. 88-130
- Jiménez Placer, Susana, 2023. “Legacies of Slavery: Black Domestics, Waste, and the Body”. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, vol. 86, Abril 2023, pp. 109-125. DOI:
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura Mª. 2023. “Borders, Migration and the Contemporary Short Story” in The Routledge Companion to Migration Literature, edited by Gigi Adair, Rebecca Fasselt,and Carly McLaughlin. London: Routledge [en prensa].
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura Mª E Xavier de Donato Rodríguez. 2023. Título ’Women’s Time’: Virginia Woolf’s New Visions of Temporal Experience in Latin American Women Writers” in The Edinburgh Companion to Virginia Woolf, edited by Elisa Bolchi. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP [en prensa]
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura Mª. 2023. “Historiographical Short Fiction in Ireland: An Overview”, en The Brill Companion to the Short Story, editado por José Ramón Ibáñez e Santiago Guerrero-Strachan. Amsterdam: Brill.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura Mª. 2023. Tales of Becoming: Borders and Posthuman Anxieties in Daisy Johnson’s “Starver”
Revista: Oceánide
Base de datos: Scopus (ELSEVIER), Fuente Academica Plus (EBSCO), DIALNET (Universidad de la Rioja), MLA – Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America)
Evaluada en: CARHUS Plus+ 2018
ERIHPlus (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills)
LATINDEX. Catálogo v1.0 (2002 – 2017)
Internet: - Palacios González, Manuela 2023. Us & Them: Women Writers’ Discourses on Foreignness 2023
- Palacios González, Manuela. 2023. “Vieiros literarios do ecofeminismo en Galicia e Irlanda
Revista: Atlánticas. Revista internacional de estudios feministas 8.1 (2023): 214-247.
Base de datos: DIALNET (Universidad de la Rioja), DOAJ
Evaluada en: Directory of Open Access Journals
Internet: - Palacios González, Manuela. 2023. “A ecopoesía en tradución: Entrevista con Keith Payne”.
Revista: Viceversa 22 (2022): 258-265
Base de datos: DIALNET (Universidad de la Rioja), Linguistic Bibliography (Brill), Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (CSA) [ProQuest], MLA – Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America)
Evaluada en: CARHUS Plus+ 2018
LATINDEX. Catálogo v1.0 (2002 – 2017
Internet: - Pereira Ares, Noemi. 2023. ‘Moda, subalternidad y ecofeminismo en clave socio-literaria: Brick Lane, de Monica Ali.’
Revista: Atlánticas. Revista Internacional de Estudios Feministas, 8.1: 169-191. Universidade da Coruña (España). ISSN: 2530-2736
Base de datos: DOAJ, DIALNET, CRUE. Avaliada en: Directory of Open Access Journals. Políticas OA:SHERPA/RoMEO color ungraded. 49 descargas na web da revista.
Internet: - Roldán Romero, Vanesa. 2023. “Where Are The Horses? The Equine Trope In Anne Mccaff rey’s Black Horses For The King.” ‘Moda, subalternidad y ecofeminismo en clave socio-literaria: Brick Lane, de Monica Ali.’
Revista: Journal of English Studies, vol 21, 2023
Base de datos: Scopus (ELSEVIER), DIALNET (Universidad de la Rioja), DOAJ, Communication & Mass Media Index (EBSCO), Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (CSA) [ProQuest], MLA – Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America)
Evaluada en: CARHUS Plus+ 2018
LATINDEX. Catálogo v2.0 (2018 – ) (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Sello de calidad FECYT
Directory of Open Access Journals
ERIHPlus (Norwegian Directorate for Hig. - Roldán Romero, Vanesa. 2023. “Necropolitics and Resilience in Sara Baume’s Spill Simmer Falter Wither
Revista: College Literature
Base de datos: Arts and Humanities Citation Index (Clarivate), Scopus (ELSEVIER), Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), Education Abstracts (EBSCO), Gender Studies Database (EBSCO), Humanities Abstracts (EBSCO), International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance (IBTD) with Full Text (EBSCO), RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale), Education Source (EBSCO), Educational research abstracts – ERA (Taylor & Francis Online), MLA – Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America) - Sacido Romero, Jorge. 2023. “Acoustic Limitrophies, or Why Roald Dahl’s Work Sounds More Serious than It Seems
Autores/as (por orde de sinatura)
Revista: EJES: The European Journal of English Studies 23 (3)
Base de datos: Arts and Humanities Citation Index (Clarivate), Scopus (ELSEVIER), Social Sciences Citation Index (Clarivate), Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), DIALNET (Universidad de la Rioja), Linguistic Bibliography (Brill), RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale), Communication & Mass Media Index (EBSCO), Educational research abstracts – ERA (Taylor & Francis Online), Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (CSA) [ProQuest], MLA – Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America)
Evaluada en: CARHUS Plus+ 2018
ERIHPlus (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills)
Métricas en: SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources - Sacido Romero, Jorge. 2023. “Subverting Scotland the Brand: Janice Galloway’s “tourists from the south arrive in the independent state” (1996)
Revista: Journal of the Short Story in English 81 (EN PRENSA)
Base de datos: RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale), MLA – Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America)
Evaluada en: ERIHPlus (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills)
- Alonso Alonso, María. “Precariedade, abxección e subversión: a representación da nova diáspora galega nas artes”. Novas diásporas. A nova vaga de emigración galega em contexto. Ed. Antía Pérez Caramés, Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega (2022).
Alonso Alonso, María. 2022. “Literatura galega en lingua inglesa? Consideracións arredor da exofonía, do sistema literario e da novela The Outcast Child de Jacobo Priegue”. Revista Galega de Filoloxía, 23: 8 – 15 (ISSN: 1576-2661). DOI:
- Alonso Alonso, María and Bárbara Fernández Melleda. 2022. “Narratives of the New Diasporas: A Theoretical Approach”. Contemporary Fictions of Migration and Exile: Writing Diaspora in the 21st Century. Revista Literature Compass 19.10 FI: 3.24 Q.1 . Base de datos Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, Index Islamicus, MLA – Modern Language Association Database. Dispoñible en Internet: (20/06/2023). DOI:
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. 2022. “Definition, Recurrence, Type and Functions of Ghosts (as Traces) in James Joyce’s Ulysses” Reading the Trace in Modern and Contemporary Fiction. Eds. Rosario Arias y Lin Pettersso. p. 33-47
- González Groba, Constante. 2022. “Is It Gender or Is It Race?: To Kill a Mockingbird and Its Film Adaptation”
Revista: Polish Journal for Ameriican Studies
DOI: 10.7311/PJAS.16/2022.02 - González Groba, Constante. 2022. “‘The Forces That Came Together to Inflict That Pain’: Class, Race, and Sexuality in Ellen Feldman’s Scottsboro.”
Revista: Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos 0.1 Q4
Base de datos: SCOPUS
DOI: - Lojo Rodríguez, Laura Mª. 2022. “Unnatural Promises”: The Trace of Evil in Elizabeth Bowen’s “The Demon Lover”, Reading the Trace in Modern and Contemporary Fiction. Eds. Rosario Arias y Lin Pettersson.
- Palacios González, Manuela. 2022. “A ecopoesía en tradución: Entrevista con Keith Payne”. Viceversa 22 (2022): 258-265.
DOI: - Palacios González, Manuela. 2022. “Ecopoesía e tradución: Un Edén diferente”, en Á volta da tradución. Ed. Rosa Marta Gómez Pato & Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións, Campus Vida, 2022: 133-140P.133-144
- Palacios González, Manuela and María Xesús Nogueira-Pereira. . 2022. “The Violent Othering of Women and Animals in Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill’s and Luz Pichel’s Poetry”, en The Cultural Politics of In/Difference: Irish Texts and Contexts. Coord. Aida Rosende Pérez & Rubén Jarazo. Bern: Peter Lang, 2022: 213-230. ISBN: 978-1-80079-727-7.
- Palacios González, Manuela. 2022 “Luz Pozo Garza: investigación e internacionalización”, en Constelación Luz. Luz Pozo Garza 1922-2022. Poesía, arte e vida. Ed. Carmen Blanco García. Santiago de Compostela. Xunta de Galicia, 2022: 154
- Roldán Romero, Vanesa. 2022. “Irishness and the Equine Animal in Anne McCaffrey’s The Lady: A Novel.” Revista: Green Letters FI: 0.1 Q.2. Base de datos: Scopus, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources. Internet: (20/06/2023). DOI:
- Roldán Romero, Vanesa. 2022. “Transhumanism and the Anthropocene in Becky Chambers’ A Closed and Common Orbit.” Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos 0.1 Q.4 . Base de datos: Scopus, DIALNET, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, Sello de calidad FECYT, ERIHPlus, LATINDEX, SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources. Internet: (23/06/2023). DOI:
- Román Sotelo, Antía. 2022. “Irish Identities Revisited in Mary O’Donnell’s “Empire”
Revista: Estudios Irlandeses 0.11 Q.4
Base de datos: Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, Academic Search Premier, DIALNET, DOAJ, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, Sello de calidad FECYT, Directory of Open Access Journals, ERIHPlus
Internet: (20/06/2023)
- Alonso Alonso, María. 2021. “Get Back: The New Galician Diaspora Goes on Stage”.
Revista: Humanities
Base de datos: Emerging Sources Citation Index, DOAJ, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, Directory of Open Access Journals, ERIHPlus. ICDS: 11.0 (MIRAR). Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, Academic Search Premier, IBZ Online, Periodicals Index Online , Humanities Abstracts, MLA – Modern Language Association, CARHUS Plus+ 2018, ERIHPlus, SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources.
DOI: - Alonso Alonso, María. 2021. “The Caribbean”, annual bibliographical coverage for 2020.
Revista: The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 0.17 Q.1
Base de datos: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, Academic Search Premier, IBZ Online, Periodicals Index Online , Humanities Abstracts, MLA – Modern Language Association, CARHUS Plus+ 2018, ERIHPlus, SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources.
Internet: 20/06/2023
DOI: - Alonso Alonso, María and Gabriela Rivera Rodríguez. 2021. “The Animal Eye and Refugee Vulnerability in Wajdi Mouawad’s Anima”.
Revista: Altre Modernità, 26 FI: 0.1 Q.4
Base de datos: Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, IBZ Online, DIALNET, DOAJ, MLA – Modern Language Association Database
Internet: (20/06/2023)
DOI: - Alonso Alonso, María and Gabriela Rivera Rodríguez, eds. . 2021. La violencia en el continente americano desde el Río Bravo a las Malvinas. ¿Una semilla latente?
- Alonso Alonso, María and Gabriela Rivera Rodríguez, eds. . 2021. “Hablemos de violencia: la normalización de lo anormal en la producción literaria actual”. La violencia en el continente americano desde el Río Bravo a las Malvinas. ¿Una semilla latente? Ed. Gabriela Rivera Rodríguez. p.9-18
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. 2021 “Nature, Science and Art in Sara Baume’s Works: Ethics and Aesthetics”. Narrativas y voces angloamericanas y gaélicas en clave feminista. Ed. Rocío Riestra Camacho. p.371-386
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. 2021. “Dédalus en Nós: Risco, Pedrayo e Joyce”. Nós e o mundo. O mundo e Nós. Eds. Paulo Gamallo y Dolores Vilavedra. p.27-42
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles and Maite Taboada. 2021. “Conceding strategies in online newspapers comments””
Revista: Journal of Pragmatics 1.09 Q.1
Base de datos: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, Academic Search Premier, FRANCIS, IBZ Online, International Bibliography of Social Sciences, Periodicals Index Online , Applied Science & Technology Source, Computer & Applied Sciences, Index Islamicus, Linguistic Bibliography, Communication & Mass Media Index, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, Philosopher’s Index, Psycinfo, Sociological abstracts, DIALNET, CARHUS Plus+ 2018, ERIHPlus, SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus
Internet: 20/06/2023
DOI: - Iglesias Rábade, Luis. 2021. “Estudio comparado del proceso penal en los Derechos castellano e inglés en la Edad Media”
Revista: Revista de Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos 0.22 Q.1
Base de datos: SCOPUS, IBZ Online, American History and Life, Historical Abstracts, v-Lex, SCIELO, etc.. Evaluada: SJR, SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Internet: 20/06/2023
DOI: - Lojo-Rodríguez, Laura, Jorge Sacido-Romero, Noemí Pereira-Ares, eds. 2021. Borders, Intersections and Identity in the Contemporary Short Story in English.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura Mª; Jorge Sacido Romero e Noemí Pereira Ares. 2021. “Introduction: Postcolonial Youth in Contemporary British Fiction” en Laura Mª Lojo Rodríguez, Jorge Sacido Romero y Noemí Pereira Ares (eds.). Postcolonial Youth in Contemporary Fiction in Britain. p. 13-46.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura Mª. 2021. “Evil Children of the Diaspora: Andrea Levy’s ‘Deborah'”. En Postcolonial Youth in Contemporary British Fiction. p.25-40.
- Palacios González, Manuela . 2021. “Imaginarios animales de las poetas irlandesas actuales: Una aproximación ecocrítica”, en La hoja verde de la lengua. Poesía angloirlandesa contemporánea. Coord. Mario Murgia. p. 35-50 y 329-330. “Imaginarios animales de las poetas irlandesas actuales: Una aproximación ecocrítica”, en La hoja verde de la lengua. Poesía angloirlandesa contemporánea. Coord. Mario Murgia. Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2021: 33-50 y 329-330. ISBN: 978-607-30-5067-8. Internet:
- Palacios González, Manuela. 2021. “La espectacularización de mujeres y animales en la poesía actual de Galicia e Irlanda”, en Narrativas y voces angloamericanas y gaélicas en clave feminista. Ed. Rocío Riestra-Camacho. Madrid: Dykinson, 2021: 396-416. ISBN: 978-84-1377-575-3, ISBN electrónico: 978-84-1377-575-3.
- Palacios González, Manuela and Marilar Aleixandre. 2021. Damnatio ad bestias: Performing Animality and Womanhood in Contemporary Irish and Galician Poetry. Revista: Altre Modernità, 26. p.84-98. FI: 0.1 Q.4. Base de datos: Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, IBZ Online, DIALNET, DOAJ, MLA – Modern Language Association Database. Internet: (20/06/2023). DOI:
- Palacios González, Manuela. 2021. “Traducindo ‘outramente’ nas escolmas de poesía galega e irlandesa”. Viceversa, 21 (2021): 321-334. DOI
- Pereira-Ares, Noemí. 2021. ‘“Growing Up with Anxiety (ies)”: From Islamophobia to Brexit in A Change Is Gonna Come.’ En: Lojo-Rodríguez, Laura, Jorge Sacido-Romero y Noemí Pereira-Ares. Eds. Postcolonial Youth in Contemporary British Fiction. p.253-280
- Sacido-Romero, Jorge. 2021. “Chapter 7 Multicultural Adolescence and Its Identitary Vicissitudes in Contemporary British Short Stories” Postcolonial Youth in Contemporary British Fiction. p.149-172
- Sacido-Romero, Jorge. 2021. ”Sounding diasporic dislocation: The object voice in postcolonial short stories”
Revista: Short Fiction in Theory & Practice 0.1 Q4
Base de datos: Scopus, IBZ Online, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, ERIHPlus, SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources
Internet: 20/06/2023
DOI: - Sacido-Romero, Jorge and Luis Miguel Varela-Cabo. 2021. “Achilles Redivivus: Pink Floyd: The Wall as a Modern-Day Iliad”.
Revista: Oceánide 0.11 Q4
Base de datos: Web of Science: Emerging Sources; SCOPUS
Internet: 20/06/2023
DOI: -
Wolkoff, Gisele & Manuela Palacios. 2021. “Introduction. Eavan Boland – In Her Many Images”. Eavan Boland – In Her Many Images. Special Issue ABEI Journal. The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies, 23.2 (2021): 11-14. DOI: 10.37389/abei.v23i2.197749. Open access:
- Gómez González, M. Á. and N. Dehé. 2020. “The pragmatics and prosody of variable tag questions in English: Uncovering function-to-form correlations”.
Revista: Journal of Pragmatics 1.09 Q1
Base de datos: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, IBZ Online, Linguistic Bibliography, Communication & Mass Media Index, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, MLA – Modern Language
Association, ERIHPlus, SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources,
Internet: (20/06/2023)
DOI: - Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles and Maria da Purificação Moura Silvano. 2020. ”A functional model for the tag question paradigm: The case of invariable tag questions in English and Portuguese”.
Revista: Lingua 0.48 Q.1
Base de datos: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, Academic Search Premier, FRANCIS, IBZ Online, L’Année philologique, Artic & Antarctic Regions, Linguistic Bibliography, Communication & Mass Media Index, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, DIALNET, CARHUS Plus+
Internet: 20/06/2023
DOI: - González Groba, Constante. 2020. Internal Colonialism and the Wasteland Theme in Ron Rash’s Serena
Revista: ATLANTIS 0.16 Q.1
Base de datos: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, Academic Search Premier, Fuente Academica Plus, IBZ Online, Periodicals Index Online , Humanities Abstracts, Linguistic Bibliography, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, DOAJ, DIALNET, CARHUS Plus+ 2018, Sello de calidad FECYT, ERIHPlus, LATINDEX, SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources.
Internet: (20/06/2023)
DOI: - Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Recent Contributions to the Irish Novel by Sara Baume, Anna Burns and Eleanor O’Reilly: On Language, Words and Wordlessness” Oceánide 13 (Enero-Diciembre 2020): 85-94. ISSN: 1989-6328
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Deirdre Madden”. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol. 386: Twenty-First-Century Irish Fiction Writers. Michael R. Molino. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale. A Cengage Company. A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book, 2020. 166-177. ISBN-13: 978-1-4103-9593-1 ISSN 1096-8547
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “‘O Jamesy let me up out of this’: Molly Bloom in Joseph Strick’s and Sean Walsh’s Films”. From Page to Screen/Vom Buch Zum Film. Modification and misrepresentation of femla characters in audiovisual media/ Veränderung und verfälschung wiblicher figuren in den audiovisuellen medien.: Tübingen, Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + CoKG, 2020. 261-284. ISSN: 2197-6392
- Estévez Saá, Margarita. 2020. “Joyces’ Heirs: Joyce’s Imprint on Recent Global Literatures”
Revista: Estudios Irlandeses 0.11 Q.4
Base de datos: Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, Academic Search Premier, DIALNET, DOAJ, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, Sello de calidad FECYT, Directory of Open Access Journals, ERIHPlus LATINDEX, REDIB, Scopus
Internet: (20/06/2023)
DOI: - Estévez-Saá, Margarita, Manuela Palacios-González y Noemí Pereira-Ares. 2020. Estudios Irlandeses, número especial “Eco-Fictions, the Animal Trope and Irish Studies” 15.2 (Noviembre 2020): 1-146
Revista: Estudios Irlandeses 0.11 Q.4
Base de datos: Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, Academic Search Premier, DIALNET, DOAJ, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, Sello de calidad FECYT, Directory of Open Access Journals, ERIHPlus LATINDEX, REDIB, Scopus
Internet: (20/06/2023)
DOI: - Estévez-Saá, Margarita. Estévez-Saá, Margarita. 2020. “An Artist, first and foremost”: An Interview with Sara Baume.
Revista: Estudios Irlandeses 0.11 Q.4
Base de datos: Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, Academic Search Premier, DIALNET, DOAJ, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, Sello de calidad FECYT, Directory of Open Access Journals, ERIHPlus LATINDEX, REDIB, Scopus
Internet: (20/06/2023)
DOI: - Estévez-Saa, Margarita. “Recent Contributions to the Irish Novel by Sara Baume, Anna Burns and Eleanor O’Reilly: On Language, Words and Wordlessness” Oceánide 13-2020 (Lorenzo Modia, María Jesús et al, eds.) Oceánide, Journal of the Spanish Society for the Study of Popular Culture. SELICUP(2020): 85-94.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura Mª. ““England’s Most Precious Gift”: Virginia Woolf’s Transformations into Spanish”. A Companion to World Literature. Ed. Ken Seigneurie. Oxford: Wiley Blackwells, 2020.ISBN: 978-1-118-99318-7.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura Mª. “Evil Children of the Diaspora: Andrea Levy’s “Deborah’” in Laura Mª Lojo Rodríguez, Jorge Sacido Romero y Noemí Pereira Ares (eds.). Postcolonial Youth in Contemporary Fiction in Britain. Amsterdam: Brill Rodopi.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura Mª. 2020. War Thoughts from the Periphery: Contemporary Perspectives
Revista: Oceánide 0.11 Q3
Base de datos: Scopus, Fuente Academica Plus, MLA, DIALNET, CARHUS Plus+, LATINDEX, SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources.
Internet: (20/06/2023)
Localizadores permanentes:
10.37668/oceanide.v13i.35 - Marchetto Santorun, Mª Cecilia. 2020. “‘Terrible monsters Sin-bred’: Blakean monstrosity in Alan Moore’s graphic novels”
Revista: Palgrave Communications 1.09 Q1
Base de datos: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, DOAJ, Index Islamicus. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources
Internet: 20/06/2023
DOI: - Palacios González, Manuela e Mª Xesús Nogueira. 2020. “Otherwhereness and Gender: Mary O’Malley’s Asylum Road and Marga do Val’s A cidade sen roupa ao sol”.
Revista: Oceánide 0.11 Q3
Base de datos: Scopus, Fuente Academica Plus, MLA, DIALNET, CARHUS Plus+, LATINDEX, SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources.
Internet: (20/06/2023)
DOI: - Palacios González, Manuela.“As relación literario-culturais entre Galicia e Irlanda. O futuro que queremos construír”, en A propósito da viaxe de Plácido Castro ás Illas Blasket (Irlanda, 1928). Eds. Uxío-Breogán Diéguez Cequiel y Xulio Ríos. CAPÍTULO DE LIBRO. Instituto Galego de Historia y Fundación Plácido Castro, 2020: 71-91. ISBN: 978-84-09-20814-2.
- Palacios, Manuela e Luz Mar González Arias. 2020. “Schoolchildren would not now be protesting had Greta Thunberg not made her stand. Writers have begun to take note”
Revista: Estudios Irlandeses 0.11 Q.4
Base de datos: Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, Academic Search Premier, DIALNET, DOAJ, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, Sello de calidad FECYT, Directory of Open Access Journals, ERIHPlus LATINDEX, REDIB, Scopus
Internet: (20/06/2023)
DOI: - Pereira-Ares, Noemí. “Meera Syal’s ‘The Traveller’. Its Feminist Allegory and Later Echoes.”
Revista: ATLANTIS 0.16 Q.1
Base de datos: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, Academic Search Premier, Fuente Academica Plus, IBZ Online, Periodicals Index Online , Humanities Abstracts, Linguistic Bibliography, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, DOAJ, DIALNET, CARHUS Plus+ 2018, Sello de calidad FECYT, ERIHPlus, LATINDEX, SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus Sources.
Internet: (20/06/2023)
DOI: - Pereira-Ares, Noemí. 2020. “‘Other Indias, Other Clothes’. Subversive Dress in Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia”. Revolving around India(s): Alternative Images, Emerging Perspectives, edited by Juan Ignacio Oliva-Cruz, Antonia Navarro-Tejero and Jorge Diego-Sánchez. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 133-147.
- Roldán Romero, Vanesa. “Transhumanist Contraceptives in June Caldwell’s ‘The Implant.’” Journal of Posthuman Studies 1 (2020): 96-106. doi: 10.5325/jpoststud.4.1.0096.
- Estévez Saá, Margarita and María Jesús Lorenzo Modia. “Introduction – The Ethics and Aesthetics of Eco-Caring: Contemporary Debates On Ecofeminism(S)”. The Ethics and Aesthetics of Eco-Caring: Contemporary Debates on Ecofeminism(s). New York, Routledge, 2019, 1-25.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura Mª. “Border Experiences and Liminality in Andrea Levy’s Short Stories” in Laura Mª Lojo Rodríguez y Barbara Korte (eds.). Borders and Border Crossing in the Contemporary English Short Story. Londres: Palgrave, 2019. ISBN: 978-3-030-30358-7.
- Palacios, Manuela. “Relational Difference in Sinéad Morrissey’s Poetry: An Ecocritical Approach”. Études Irlandaises, 44.1(Autumn/Winter, 2019): 73-85.
- Palacios, Manuela.“Migrant Shores: en prol dunha ecoloxía da atención e da tradución”. Galicia 21, Issue I ‘19 (2019): 125-145.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Switching Darkness Off”, en Ανθολογία Νέων ΙρλανδώνΠοιητών / Anthology of Young Irish Poets. Ingrid Casey. CAPÍTULO DE LIBRO. Atenas, Grecia: Vakxikon, 2019: 9-15. ISBN: 978-960-638-060-0.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Διαδρομές στη νέα γαλικιανή ποίηση” [Singraduras pola poesía galega nova] en Ανθολογία Νέων Γαλικιανών Ποιητών – Antoloxía De Poesía Galega Nova. Ed. Manuela Palacios. CAPÍTULO DE LIBRO. Atenas, Grecia: Vakxikon, 2019: 7-13. ISBN: 978-960-638-071-6.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Inside the Whale: Configurations of An-other Female Subjectivity” en M Estévez Saá y MJ Lorenzo Modia: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Eco-Caring: Contemporary Debates on Ecofeminism(s). CAPÍTULO DE LIBRO. New York, Routledge, 2019, 38-50.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Switching Darkness Off: Young Irish Poets”. Introduction to anthology Young Irish Poets. Athens: Vakxikon, 2019.
- Pereira-Ares, Noemí. “Sartorial Borders and Border Crossing in Contemporary Multi-Ethnic Short Stories”. Borders and Border Crossings in the Contemporary British Short Story, edited by Barbara Korte and Laura Lojo-Rodríguez. 149-170.
- Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “Stranded in a Border Zone: Traumatic Liminality in Black British Short Stories”. In Borders and Border Crossings in the Contemporary British Short Story, eds. B. Korte and L. Lojo-Rodríguez. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 115-131. ISBN 978-3-030-30358-7
- Sacido-Romero, Jorge. ““Being then Nothing”: Physicality, Abjection and Creation in Janice Galloway’s Short Fiction”. IJES: International Journal of English Studies. 19/1 (2019): 133-150. ISSN: 1578-7044.
- Barbeito Varela, J. Manuel. ‘Jonathan Culler: Teoría, literatura y la posibilidad de la crítica, en Theory Now. A Journal of Theory, Literature, Critique, and Thought. Vol. 1, No 1 (2018), pp. 35-50.v
- Doval-Suárez, S. M. & E. González-Álvarez. “The use of tag questions in the oral production of L2 English learners”. En M. Á. Gómez González e J. L. Mackenzie (eds.), The Construction of Discourse as Verbal Interaction, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018, 245-283.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles e Nicole Dehé. “The constructional pragmatics of variable tag questions in English. Function, prosody and other relevant features”. Journal of Pragmatics.
- Gómez González, María de los Ángeles. “‘God that came out quick didn’t it eh’: Variable and Invariable Tag Questions in British English”. In The Construction of Discourse as Verbal Interaction, M. Á. Gómez González e J. Lachlan Mackenzie, eds. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2018, 189-241.
- Gómez González, M. Á. e Lachlan Macknezie. “How do we construct our verbal interaction?” In The Construction of Discourse as Verbal Interaction, M. Á. Gómez González e J. Lachlan Mackenzie, eds. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2018, 1-25.
- González Groba, Constante. “Racism and Fascism in Roger Corman’s Film Adaptation of Charles Beaumont’s The Intruder”. Moravian Journal of Literature and Film. Vol. 16. 1-2. 2018, pp. 3-18.
- González Groba, Constante. “The Emmett Till Case and Its Reverberations in Southern Autobiography”. The Legacy of the Master: Spanish Perspectives on American Literature. Peter Lang.
- González Groba, Constante. “European Existentialism Becomes an Impetus for Change in the American South: Carson McCullers’ Clock without Hands”. Ideas Crossing the Atlantic: Theories, Normative Conceptions and Cultural Images. Publications of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “ ‘Us returniks’: Transcultural Atlantic Exchanges in Mary Rose Callaghan’s and Elizabeth Wassell’s Novels”. In Looking Out on the Fields. Reimagining Irish Literature and Culture. Eds. A. de Toro Santos & Eduardo Barros Grela. Université de Rennes 2, 2018, 223-239.
- Jiménez Placer, Susana.”Outside the Magic Circle of White Male Supremacy in the Jim Crow South: Virginia Foster Durr’s Memoirs”. Text Matters. A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture, vol. 8, 2018, pp. 296-319. DOI: 10.1515/texmat-2018-0018
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “Magic Realism and Experimental Fiction. From Virginia Woolf to Jeanette Winterson”. En The Oxford Handbook to Virginia Woolf. Anne Fernald, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “‘Thought in American and for the Americans’: Victoria Ocampo, Sur and European Modernism”. En Philosophy in the Condition of Modernism, Ana Falcato, ed. Londres: Palgrave. 2018, 167-190.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “Victorian Male Heroes and Romance in Elizabeth Bowen’s Short Fiction”. En Tracing the Heroic through Gender, Monika Mommertz, Thomas Seedorf, Carolin Bahr, Andreas Schlüter, eds. Würzburg.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “Unnatural Promises: The Trace of Evil in Elizabeth Bowen’s ‘The Demon Lover.’” En Reading the Trace: History and Memory in Modern and Contemporary Fiction, Rosario Arias, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. ‘“Thought in American and for the Americans”: Victoria Ocampo, Sur and European Modernism’. Philosophy in the Condition of Modernism. Ana Falcato y Antonio Cardiello eds. Londres: Palgrave, 2018, 167-190. ISBN: 978-3-319-77077-2.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “‘Genealogies of Women’: Discourses on Mothering and Motherhood in the Short Fiction of Michèle Roberts” en Gender and Short Fiction: Women’s Tales in Contemporary Britain. London and New York: Routledge, 2018. 102-122.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “England’s Most Precious Gift: Virginia Woolf’s Transformations into Spanish”. A Companion to World Literature. Ed. Kenneth Seigneurie. Oxford: Blackwells, 2018.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Inside the Whale: Configurations of An-other Female Subjectivity”. Women’s Studies, 47.2: 160-172.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Poetry from Northern Ireland: Dialogues across Boundaries”. In Looking Out on the Fields. Reimagining Irish Literature and Culture. Eds. A. de Toro Santos & Eduardo Barros Grela. TIR, Université de Rennes 2, 2018, 165-189.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Straddling Words: Mary O’Donnell’s Cultural Critique’. En Giving Shape to the Moment. The Art of Mary O’Donnell: Poet, Novelist and Short Story Writer, ed. Elena Jaime de Pablos. Bern: Peter Lang, 2018: 20-35.
- Pereira-Ares, Noemí. Fashion, Dress and Identity in South Asian Diaspora Narratives: From the Eighteenth Century to Monica Ali. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3319613963.
- Pérez Casal, Inmaculada. “The Romance Novel as Bildungsroman in the Works of Rosamunde Pilcher and Lisa Kleypas.” En María Ferrández San Miguel & Claus-Peter Neumann (Eds.), Taking Stock to Look Ahead: Celebrating Forty Years of English Studies in Spain (pp. 139- 144). Zaragoza: Servizo de Publicacións Universidad de Zaragoza.
- Pérez-Casal, Inmaculada. “Re-enacting Mythical Englishness and American Exceptionalism: the Romance Hero in Lisa Kleypas’s Wallflowers” En B. Brickman, D. Jermyn & T. Trost (Eds.), Love Across the Atlantic: UK-US Romance in Popular Media. Edimburgo: Edinburgh University Press. En prensa.v
- Pérez-Casal, Inmaculada. “‘There’s Something Charming about a Man with an Accent, Isn’t There?’ (Un)changing Representations of Otherness in Lisa Kleypas’s Fiction.” En M.I. González-Cruz, M. Ramos-García & Laura Vivanco (Eds.), Romancing the Other: Essays on Love, Language, Place and Identity in Popular Culture. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. En prensa.
- Pérez Casal, Inmaculada. (2018). “Mass-Market Romance and the Question of Genre: N. Sparks, E. L. James and D. Gabaldon.” Oceánide, 10, en liña.v
- Rodríguez Durán, Jorge. “Urban Tales: Women’s Imaginaries in Short Fiction about the Troubles”. Proceedings from the 40th Interantional Conference of the Spanish Association for Angloamerican Studies (AEDEAN), Ferrández San Miguel, María e Claus-Peter Neumann (ed). Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2018. pp. 145-158.v
- Rodríguez Durán, Jorge. “God save a poesía galega”. Revista de literatura. Número I: Recuperar as mans. Xuño/setembro 2018, pp- 45-46.v
- Rodríguez Durán, Jorge. “Entrevista a Keith Payne” Revista de literatura. Número I: Recuperar as mans. Xuño/setembro 2018, pp. 47-48. ISSN 2603-7416.
- Rodríguez Durán, Jorge. “Encrucillada de narrativas fuxidías”. Revista galega de cultura, 217. Xaneiro, febreiro, marzo 2018. pp. 76-77.
- Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “Introduction”. Gender and Short Fiction: Women’s Tales in Contemporary Britain. Eds. J. Sacido e L. Lojo. New York: Routledge, 2018, pp. 1-14.
- Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “Chapter 10: In a Different Voice: Janice Galloway’s Short Stories”. Gender and Short Fiction: Women’s Tales in Contemporary Britain. Eds. J. Sacido e L. Lojo. New York: Routledge, 2018, pp. 191-214.
- Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “Liminality in Janice Galloway’s Short Fiction”. Zeitschrift für und Amerikanistik: A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture. 66/4 (2018). Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “An Interview with Janice Galloway”. The Bottle Imp 23 (June 2018).
- Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “Intertextuality and Intermediality in Janice Galloway’s ‘Scenes from the Life’ (Blood 1991)”. Short Fiction in Theory and Practice 8/1 (2018).
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Custodias da terra: A muller rural na obra da irlandesa Alice Taylor”. Boletín Galego de Literatura. 50 (2017): 19-33
- Gómez González, María de los Ángeles. “Concession in evaluative discourse: The semantics, pragmatics and discourse effects of ‘but’ and ‘although’”. En Breeze, R. e I. Olza (eds.), Evaluation in Media Discourse: European Perspectives. Berne: Peter Lang. 2017, 47-80.
- Iglesias Rábade, Luis. “Falso testimonio judicial en el Derecho hispánico en inglés (siglos XV-XVIII). Estudio comparado”. Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho, 40 (2017): 67-110. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- Jiménez Placer, Susana María. “‘Pariahs for Flattering Reasons’: Confessions of Failed Southern Ladies on the Black Help”. En Rueda-Ramos, Carmen e Susana Jiménez Placer, eds. Constructing the Self: Essays on Southern Life-Writing. Valencia: Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2017.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “Tourism and Identitary Conflicts in Monica Ali’s Alentejo Blue”, Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 56(2017): 73-90 201.+
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “Writing to Historicize and Contextualize: The Example of Virginia Woolf”. En The Discipline, Ethics, and Art of Writing about Literature, Kirilka Stavreva, ed. Gale-Cengage Gale Researcher British Literature, 2017. Online.+
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Travesías das baleas pola poesía contemporánea de Galicia e Irlanda: Xénero, empoderamento e extinción”. Madrygal, 20 (2017): 127-145.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “A campesiña no cambio de paradigma poético da poesía irlandesa contemporánea”. Boletín Galego de Literatura, 50 (2017): 5-17.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Of Penelopes, Mermaids and Flying Women: Celia de Fréine’s Tropes of Mobility”. Estudios Irlandeses 12 (2017): 92-103.
- Varela Zapata, Jesús. “The Self Elsewhere: Walker’s Identity in the Wider World”. En Constructing the Self: Essays on Southern Life-Writing, Carmen Rueda-Ramos e Susana Jiménez Placer, eds. Valencia: Publicación de la Universidad de Valencia, 2017.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. ‘Women and Freedom in Muriel Spark’s Fiction,’ Taking Liberties: Scottish Literature and Expressions of Freedom, Ian Brown, David Clark e Rubén Jarazo-Álvarez, eds. Scottish Literature International, 2016. 152-166.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “A Map of Things Known and Lost in Anne Enright’s The Green Road,” Estudios Irlandeses, 11 (2016): 45-55.
- Estévez-Saá José Manuel e Margarita Estévez-Saá. “A Terrible Beatury Reborn: The Easter Rising Centenary Commemorations,” Nexus, 2 (2016): 105-113.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita e Noemí Pereira-Ares. “Trauma and Transculturalism in Contemporary Fictional Memories of 9/11.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction3 (2016): 268-278.
- Fra López, Patricia. “El último viaje a España con W[alter], 1925” e “Regreso a Compostela” (trad.). En Del viaje como arte. Travesías por España, Francia, Italia y el Mediterráneo, Teresa Gómez Reud, ed. Madrid: La línea del horizonte. 2016, pp. 238-262.
- Gómez González, María de los Ángeles. “Canonical Tag Questions in English, Spanish and Portuguese: A Discourse-Functional Study.” En Genre-and-Register-Related Discocurse Features in Contrast, Marie-Aude Lefer & Svetlana Vogeleer, eds. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 93-126.
- González Álvarez, Elsa e Susana María Doval Suárez. “The Use of Extraposition in the Written Production of Spanish Advanced Learners of English”. The Linguistics Journal 1: 5-27.
- Iglesias Rábade, Luis. ‘Falsificación documental en la Baja Edad Media en Inglaterra’. En Madonna à ‘N Sé Vertute con Valore. Estudios en homenaje a Isable González, Carmen F. Blanco Valdés e Ana Mª Domínguez Ferro, eds. Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Santiago e da Universidad de Córdoba, 345-356, 2016.
- Iglesias Rábade, Luis. “Estudio comparado del régimen jurídico del delito de falsedad documental en el Derecho hispánico e inglés en el Medievo”. Estudios de Deusto 64/2 (outubro), 2016.+
- Iglesias Rábade, Luis. “Estudio comparado de las penas corporales en el derecho hispánico e inglés en la Edad Moderna,” Anuario de Historia del Derecho Español, 86 (2016): 297-350.+
- Iglesias Rábade, Luis. “Las penas corporales en el derecho hispánico e inglés en la Edad Media. Estudio comparado,” Revista de Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos, 38 (2016): 123-147.
- Jiménez Placer, Susana. “From ‘Faithful Old Servant’ to ‘Bantu Woman’: Katherine Anne Porter’s Approach to the Mammy Myth in ‘The Old Order'”. Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 67, Otoño 2016, pp. 51-68. URL:
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “Virginia Woolf in Spanish-Speaking Countries”. En The Blackwell Companion to Virginia Woolf, Jessica Berman, ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. 467-480.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Stand Still: Photographs of Irish Migrating Women.” Ex-sistere. Women’s Mobility in Contemporary Irish, Welsh and Galician Literatures, María Jesús Lorenzo Modia, ed. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2016. 154-189.
- Sacido Romero, Jorge. ‘Ghostly Visitations in Contemporary Short Fiction by Women: Fay Weldon, Janice Galloway and Ali Smith.’ Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies. 38.2 (December 2016): 83-102.
- Varela Zapata, Jesús. ‘El mapa miente: La centralidad perdida de Europa y Occidente.’ A Crise de Occidente, Beatriz Fernández Herrero et al., eds. Lugo: Axac. 2016. 171-179.
- Varela Zapata, Jesús. ‘Swift’s Fantasy as a Vindication of Tolerance.’ Jonathan Swift and Philosophy, Janelle Pötsch, ed. Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield. 2016: 171-186.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Transnationalism and Transculturality in Twenty-First-Century Irish Novels.” Nordic Irish Studies 14(2015): 1-17.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “El relato breve en la literatura irlandesa de la segunda mitad del siglo XX y la herencia de Mary Lavin.” Fragmentos de realidad: Los autores y las poéticas del cuento en lengua inglesa,Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan, ed. Valladolid: Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, 2015.157-172.
- Fra López, Patricia. “Las escritoras en el Camino: el peregrinaje de Edith Wharton a Santiago de Compostela 1925-1930”. Miradas cruzadas. Escritoras, artistas e imaginarios (España-EE.UU. 1830-1930), Fernanda Bustamante e Beatriz Furrús, coords. Valencia: PUV-Universidad de Valencia. 2015, pp. 139-165.
- Gálvez Gómez, Laura. ‘El tema artúrico de la compañía (fellowship) en la obra de J.R.R. Tolkien, El señor de los anillos.’ R.R. Tolkien: el árbol de las historias, eds. Pablo Gutiérrez Carreras, Mª Isabel Abradelo de Usera e Ignacio Armada Manrique. Madrid: CEU Ediciones, 2015. 79-88.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles. “Cohesion.” The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction, Karen Tracy, Cornelia Ilie e Todd Sandel, eds. Boston: John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
- González Groba, Constante. “Ellen Glasgow’sLife and Gabriella: The Darwinian Struggle for Life and the Romance of Progress’.Résonanes1 (2015). 1245-2262.
- González Groba, Constante. “‘So Far I and My People Are Concerned the South Is Fascist Now and Always Has Been’: Carson McCullers and the Racial Problem”. Atlantis2 (2015): 63-81.
- Jiménez Placer, Susana. “Back to the South via Mexico: Katherine Anne Porter’s Experience”. The South from Elsewhere editado por Marcel Arbeit. Olomouc, República Checa: Palacky University Olomouc, 2015. 33-53
- Jiménez Placer, Susana. ‘Performing Southern Womanhood in Katherine Anne Porter’s Miranda Stories’. Performing South. The US South as Transmedial Message, Beata Zawadka, ed. Szczecin: University of Szczecin, 2015, pp. 103-120.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “La poética del cuento en la primera mitad del siglo XX en Reino Unido: Virginia Woolf y Elizabeth Bowen”. Fragmentos de realidad: Los autores y las poéticas del cuento en lengua inglesa,Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan, ed. Valladolid: Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad, 2015. 111-125.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “A cidade das mulleres: imaxinarios urbanos na poesía actual de Galicia e Irlanda” en Novo espazo público: a emerxencia cultural, Herrero, M.P. Freire & E. Agrelo, eds. Santiago: Universidade de Santigo de Compostela, 2015: 29-41.
- Palacios González, Manuela: “Prólogo” en Un bosque novo. Antoloxía de poesía gaélica do século XX, Carme Rodríguez Alonso, ed. A Coruña: Trifolium, 2015: 7-10.
- Palacios González, Manuela (con María do Cebreiro Rábade Villar). ‘Mary O’Donnell: De Dublín a Compostela’ (Tradución de poesía e introdución bio-bibliográfica). A trabe de ouro. Publicación galega de pensamento crítico, 103 (2015): 443-457.
- Palacios González, Manuela. ‘Foto-grafías: mulleres migrantes galegas e irlandesas.’ Galicia 21: Journal of Contemporary Galician Studies. 2015: 5-23.
- Pereira-Ares, Noemí. “Sartorial Memories of a Colonial Past and a Diasporic Present in Kamala Markandaya’s The Nowhere Man.” Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 50.2 (2015): 179-196.
- Pereira-Ares, Noemí. “‘Scrupulously and Meanly Dressed’: On the Function of Dress in Dubliners.” Papers on Joyce 19/20 (2015): 1-16.
- Pereira-Ares, Noemí. “Transculturalism and Cultural Translation in Cauvery Madhavan’s Paddy Indian.” Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 51.4 (2015): 476-489.
- Sacido Romero, Jorge. “Revoicing/Writing: An Introduction to Theorizing Vocality.” Sound Effects: The Object Voice in Fiction,Jorge Sacido Romero e Sylvia Mieszkowski, eds. Leiden: Brill / Rodopi, 2015. 1-18.
- Sacido Romero, Jorge. “The Voice in Twentieth-Century English Short Fiction: E.M. Foster, V. S. Pritchett and Muriel Spark.’ Sound Effects: The Object Voice in Fiction,Jorge Sacido Romero e Sylvia Mieszkowski, eds. Leiden: Brill / Rodopi, 2015. 185-214.
- Barbeito Varela, José Manuel. “El tiempo, el amor y la celebración del ser según ‘Lullaby,’ de W.H. Auden.” Quaderns de Versàlia H. Auden. 2014: 26-33.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Immigration in Celtic Tiger and post-Celtic Tiger Novels.” Literary Visions of Multicultural Ireland. The Immigrant in Contemporary Irish Literature, Pilar Villar-Argáiz, ed. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2014. 79-92.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Mary Lavin’s Joycean ‘Arrows in Flight’: A Reappraisal of her Contribution to the Short Story,” Papers on Joyce, 19/20. 195-210.
- Fra López, Patricia. “De la letra a la imagen. O de cómo volver a hablar sobre literatura, cine, adaptación y no morir en el intento…” Diálogos Intertextuales6: The Lion King / El Rey León, Ana Pereira Rodríguez e Lourdes Lorenzo García, eds. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 2014, pp. 23-45.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles. “Canonical Tag Questions in English, Spanish and Portuguese. A Discourse-Functional Study.” Languages in Contrast 1 (2014): 93-126.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles e Ana Patricia García Varela. “Discourse-organizational patterns in English and Spanish: Some Notes on the Thematic Management of News Reports.” RESLA1 (2014): 87-111.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles, Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco Gonzálvez García e Angela Downing. “On the Relatedness of Functionalism and Pragmatics.” The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse: Implications and Applications, A. Gómez-González, F. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, F. Gonzálvez García e A. Downing, eds. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2014. 1-16.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles, Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco Gonzálvez García e Angela Downing. “Plotting Functional-Cognitive Space.” In Theory and Practice in Functional-Cognitive Space. M. A. Gómez-González, F. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez e F. González García, eds. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2014. 1-58.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles e Ana Patricia García Varela. “Discourse-organizational patterns in English and Spanish: Some Notes on the Thematic Management of News Reports.” RESLA1 (2014): 87-111.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles, Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco Gonzálvez García e Angela Downing. “On the Relatedness of Functionalism and Pragmatics.” The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse: Implications and Applications, A. Gómez-González, F. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, F. Gonzálvez García e A. Downing, eds. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2014. 1-16.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles, Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco Gonzálvez García e Angela Downing. “Plotting Functional-Cognitive Space.” In Theory and Practice in Functional-Cognitive Space. M. A. Gómez-González, F. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez e F. González García, eds. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2014. 1-58.
- González Groba, Constante. “Ellen Glasgow’s The Battle-Ground: The New Woman Emerges from the Ashes of Civil War”. Innocence and Loss: Representations of War and National Identity in the United States, Cynthia Stretch e Cristina Alsina, eds. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, 27-47.
- González Groba, Constante. “Illness as Metaphor in the American South: Lee Smith’s Diagnosis of a Schrizophrenic Culture and a Metastasized Social Body”. The Scourges of the South: Essays on ‘The Sickly South’ in History, Literature, and Popular Culture, Thomas Bjerre e Beata Zawadla, eds. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2014, 133-148.
- González Groba, Constante. “Putting the Dynamic Past to Everyday Use in the Fiction of Southern Women Writers”. Short Story Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction. Volume 193. Lawrence J. Trudeau. Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning. 2014, 336-342.
- González Groba, Constante. “The Call of the Hearth versus the Callo f the Wild: Residence and Transience in Bobbie Ann Mason’s Short Fiction”. Short Story Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction. Volume 193, Lawrence J. Trudeau, ed. Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning. 2014, 299-307.
- González Groba, Constante. “The View from Elsewhere Shapes the Racial Conversion Narrative: Lillian Smith and Katharine De Pre Lumpkin”. The South from Elsewhere, Marcel Arbeit, ed. Palacky University Olomouc. Olomouc: Czech Republic, 2014, 55-77.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “Unveiling the Past: Éilís Ní Dhuibhne’s ‘Sex in the Context of Ireland.’” Nordic Irish Studies, 13.2 (2014): 19-30.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “‘The Saving Power of Hallucination’: Elizabeth Bowen’s “Mysterious Kôr” and Female Romance”. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 62.4 (2014): 273-289. ISSN: 0044-2305.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Cuestión de enfoque: Fotografía, muller e viaxe.” Letras nómades – Experiencias da mobilidade feminina na literatura galega, Aña Acuña, ed. Berlin: Frank & Timme GmbH, 2014. 117-152.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Translation in the Feminine: Theory, Commitment and (Good) Praxis.” Women’s Studies International Forum. 42 (2014): 87-93. ISSN: 0277-5395.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Cuestión de enfoque: fotografía, muller e viaxe.” Letras nómades – Experiencias da mobilidade feminina na literatura galega, Ana Acuña, ed. Berlin: Frank & Timme GmbH, 2014. 97-152.
- Palacios González, Manuela e María Xesús Nogueira Pereira. “Engendered Landscape: Poetic Interventions in Ireland and Galicia.” Contemporary Developments in Emergent Literature and the New Europe, César Domínguez Prieto e Manus O’Dwyer, eds. Santiago: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2014. 185-206.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Enriched and Challenged: Women Writer’s Encounters with Foreignness.” Interrogating Gazes: Comparative Critical Views on the Representation of Foreignness and Otherness, Montserrat Cots, Pere Gifra-Adroher e Glyn Hambrook, eds. Bern: Peter Lang, 2014. 187-194.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Intimations of Displacement in Irish and Galician Poetry”. Mobile Narratives: Travel, Migration, and Transculturation, Eleftheria Arapoglou, Mónika Fodor e Jopi Nyman, eds. London: Routledge, 2014. 174-186.
- Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco e María de los Ángeles Gómez-González. “Discourse Constructions and the Organization of Discourse.” Theory and Practice in Functional-Cognitive Space, A. Gómez-González, F. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez e F. Gonzálvez García, eds. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2014. 1-30.
- Varela Zapata, Jesus. “La poética de un vicio: el juego de azar en la historia de la literatura inglesa”. Literatura & Jogo – Narrativas, Discursos, Representaçoes e Mitos, Isabel N. Patim et al., eds. Lisboa: Esfera do Caos, 2014. 67-74.
- Varela Zapata, Jesus. “Still Postcolonial but Treading the Path”. A Rich Field Full of Pleasant Surprises: Essays on Contemporary Literature, Francisco Fernández e A. Moreno, eds. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 1-14.
- Varela Zapata, Jesus. “Glittering Sea or Mirage: Alternative Visions of the Caribbean Environment”. Caribbeing: Comparing Caribbean Literatures and Culures,Kristian Van Haessendonck & Theo D’haen, eds. Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi, 2014. 159-168.
- Taboada, Maite e María de los Ángeles Gómez-González. “Discourse Markers and Coherence Relations: Comparison across Markers, Languages and Modalities.” Contrastive Discourse Analysis: Functional and Corpus Perspectives, Doval Suárez e E. González-Álvared, eds. Sheffield: Equinox, 2013. 17-40.
- Fra López, Patricia. “¡La crueldad intencionada es imperdonable! Violencia doméstica en varias obras de Tennessee Williams y sus versiones cinematográficas“. Rompiendo un mar de silencio: reflexiones interdisciplinares sobre la violencia contra las mujeres, Eulalia Piñero Gil e Julia Salmerón Cabañas, eds. Madrid: UAM Ediciones. 2013. pp. 136-148.
- González Groba, Constante. “Southern Fictional Tomboys Destabilize Traditional Gender Roles and Dominant Notions of Whiteness”. Dixie Matters: New Perspectives on Southern Femininities and Masculinities, Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis, ed. Lublin, Poland: Wydawnictwo, 2013, 131-151.
- González Groba, Constante. “Introduction”. Unsteadily Marching On: The US South in Motion, Constante González Groba, ed. Valencia: Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2013, 15-26.
- Jiménez Placer, Susana. ‘Segregation and Civil Rights in the Domestic Sphere: The Mammy Image in Like One of the Family and The Help’. Dixie Matters: New Perspectives on Southern Femininities and Masculinities, Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis, ed. Lublin, Polonia: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013, pp. 37-60.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “Exilio, historia, e a visión feminina: Éilís Ní Dhuibhne”. Cultura y migraciones: Enfoques multidisciplinarios, Felipe Andrés Aliaga Sáez, ed. Santiago de Compostela: Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad, 2013. 178-183.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “A escritora e a viaxe. Con Lupe Gómez en Santiago de Compostela. Entrevista.” Lupe Gómez: Libre e Estranxeira: Estudos e Traducións, Burghard Baltrusch, ed. Berlin: Frank & Timme GmbH, 2013. 151-158.
- Pereira-Ares, Noemí. “The Politics of Hijab Monica Ali’s Brick Lane.” Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 48.2 (2013): 201-220.
- Barbeito Varela, José Manuel e María Lozano. “Mind the Gap: Modernism in Salman Rushdie’s Postmodern Short Stories.” Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Short Story in English, Jorge Sacido Romero, ed. Amsterda: Rodopi / Brill, 2012. 175-206.
- Doval Suárez, Susana e Elsa Mª González Álvarez. “The Use of If-clefts in the Written Production of Spanish Advanced Learners of English.” Linguistics and the Human Sciences1-3 (2012): 151-172.
- Estévez-Saá Margarita e Noemí Pereira Ares. “‘We’ll simply have to dress the character’: Dressed Bodies Do Matter in James Joyce’s Ulysses.” Papers on Joyce, 17/18 (2011/2012): 243-268.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles. “A Reappraisal of Lexical Cohesion in English Conversations.” Applied Linguistics2 (2013): 128-150.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles. “The Question of Tag Questions in English and Spanish.” En Encoding the Past, Decoding the Future: Corpora in the 21st Century, Isabel Moskowich e Begoña Crespo, eds. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2012. 59-97.
- González Groba, Constante. “Introducción: La mujer en la historia y en la literatura del Sur de los Estados Unidos”. Hijas del viejo Sur: La mujer en la literatura femenina del Sur de los Estados Unidos, Constate González Groba, ed. Valencia: Publicacions de la Universitat de Valencia, 2012, 9-61.
- González Groba, Constante. “La mujer en la novela de Ellen Glasgow: el rechazo de la lady sureña y la defensa de la ‘nueva mujer’”. Hijas del viejo Sur: La mujer en la literatura femenina del Sur de los Estados Unidos, Constate González Groba, ed. Valencia: Publicacions de la Universitat de Valencia, 2012, 99-174.
- Gonzélez Groba, Constante. “El tomboy cuestiona las rígdias dictomías de género y raza de la sociedad sureña”. Hijas del viejo Sur: La mujer en la literatura femenina del Sur de los Estados Unidos, Constate González Groba, ed. Valencia: Publicacions de la Universitat de Valencia, 2012, 259-281.
- Iglesias Rábade, Luis. “Preface.” Astronomy “playne and simple,” Isabel Moskowich e Begoña Crespo, eds. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Bengamins Publishing, 2012. Ix-xi.
- Jiménez Placer, Susana. “Damas y esclavas, madres y mamis en el Viejo sur: Gone with the Wind de Margaret Mitchell y ‘The Old Order’ de Katherine Anne Porter”. Hijas del Viejo sur: la mujer en la literatura femenina del Sur de los Estados Unidos,Constante González Groba, ed. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia, 2012, pp. 175-258.
- Jiménez Placer, Susana. ‘Racial Integration in the Plantation Household, or the Disintegration of Womanhood in the Old South’. Works from the 35th AEDEAN Conference UAB/Barcelona. Barcelona: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2012, pp. 139-145.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “Recovering the Maternal Body as Paradise: Michèle Roberts’s ‘Charity.’” Atlantis: A Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo- American Studies. 2 (December 2012): 33–47.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “Joyce’s Long Shadow: Éilís Ní Dhuibhne’s Short Fiction”. Papers on Joyce 17/18 (2011-2012): 159-178.
- Mourón Figueroa, Cristina. “As dúbidas de Xosé sobre María. Tradución ao galego de Jospeh’s Trouble about Mary do York Cycle.” Anuario de estudos do Barbanza, 8 (2012): 153-166.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Glocal Identities in Translation.” Word and Text A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics (2012): 62-74.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “‘One anOther: Englishness in Contemporary Irish Short Fiction.” Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Short Story in English, Jorge Sacido Romero, ed. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2012. 207-225.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “SuAndi: Unha estirpe de contadores.” Revista de poesía, 2 (2012). poesí
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Women Poets in Translation. An Introduction.” Forked Tongues. Galician, Basque and Catalan Women’s Poetry in Translations by Irish Writers, Manuela Palacios González, ed. Bristol: Shearsman, 2012. 7-20.
- Pereira-Ares, Noemí. “The East Looks at the West, the Woman Looks at the Man: A Study of the Gaze in Brick Lane by Monica Ali.” Miscelánea: Journal of English and American Studies, 46 (2012): 71-81.
- Sacido Romero, Jorge. “The Boy’s Voice and Voices for the Boy in Joyce’s ‘The Sisters.’” Papers on Joyce17/18 (Dec 2012): 203-242.
- Sacido Romero, Jorge. “Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Short Story.” Modernism, Postmodernism and the Short Story in English, Jorge Sacido Romero, ed. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012. 1-25.
- Taboada, Maite, Susana Doval Suárez e Elsa González Álvarez. “Functional and Corpus Perspectives in Contrastive Discourse Analysis” (Introduction to the special issue). Linguistics and the Human Sciences1-3 (2012): 1-17.
- Taboada, Maite e María de los Ángeles Gómez-González. “Discourse Markers and Coherence Relations: Comparison across Markers, Languages and Modalities.” Linguistics and the Human Sciences1-3 (2012): 17-41.
- Varela Zapata, Jesús. “Sureña y Subalterna: Narrando la Rebelión de la Mujer en Alice Walker”. Hijas del Viejo Sur. La Mujer en la Literatura Femenina del Sur de Estados Unidos, Constante González Groba, ed. Valencia: PUV Univesitat Valencia, 2012, 283-306.
- Barbeito Varela, José Manuel. “El momento del sujeto.” Resistance and Emancipation: Cultural and Poetic Practices. Arturo Casas e Ben Bollig, eds. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2011. 91-116.
- Doval Suárez, Susana e Elsa González Álvarez. “Take + Noun Sequences in Native and Learner Written Data.” RAEL 10 (2011): 55-68.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Deirdre Madden’s Portraits of the Woman Artist in Fiction: Beyond Ireland and the Self.” Nordic Irish Studies. 10 (2011): 49-69.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “La literatura gótica en lengua inglesa: avatares de un ‘género’ popular.” Garoza 11 (2011). 57-72.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita e José Manuel Estévez-Saá. “‘Graces notes’ by Bernard MacLaverty: Music as Emotion Beyond Words.” Music in Modern Irish Literature, Antonio Raúl de Toro Santos, ed. 2011. 45-56.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles. “Lexical Cohesion in Multiparty Conversations.” Language Sciences1 (2011): 167-179.
- Iglesias-Rábade, Luis. “Collocations in Law Texts in Late Middle English: Some Evidence Concerning Adverbs Ending in -ly.” Studia Neophilologica 1 (2011). 56-66.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “Voices from the Margins: Éilís Ní Dhuibhne’s Female Perspective in ThePale Gold of Alaska and Other Stories”. Nordic Irish Studies, 10 (2011): 35-40.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “O espírito da nación. Visións arquetípicas, nacionalidade e feminidade na poesía irlandesa actual.” Boletín galego de literatura, 45(2011): 97-106.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura e Jorge Sacido Romero. “Through the Eye of a Postmodernist Child: Ian McEwan’s ‘Homemade.’” Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 44 (2011): 107–120.
- Mourón Figueroa, Cristina. “Mujeres en profesiones médicas y su reputación en la Inglaterra medieval: el caso de Un mundo sin fin de Ken Follet.” La mujer en la ciencia: Historia de una desigualdad. Lincom Studies in Anthropology, Begoña Crespo García, Inés Lareo Martín e Isabel Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, eds. Lincom: Europa, 2011.3-23.
- Mourón Figueroa, Cristina. “The York Cycle and Fisterra Resurrection Plays: A Comparative Study.” European Medieval Drama, 15 (2011): 153-186.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Landscape in Irish and Iberian Galician Poetry by Women Authors”. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture. 13.5 (2011).
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Con Lupe Gómez en Santiago de Compostela: A escritora e a viaxe.” Boletín Galego de Literatura. 44 (2010): 153-162. Servizo Publicacións USC, 2011.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Within and Beyond the Nation: Contemporary Irish and Galician Women Poets.” Intercultural Negotiations, Ian Mackenzie, ed. London/ New York: Routledge, 2011. 59-72.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Escritoras irlandesas e nación: Crónica dun desencontro.” Boletín Galego de Literatura 45(2011): 121-134.
- Sacido Romero, Jorge. “Crítica de la ideología y estilo en Slavoj Žižek.” Resistance and Emancipation: Cultural and Poetic Practices, Arturo Casas e Ben Bollig, eds. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2011. 73-90.
- Sacido Romero, Jorge. “Failed Exorcism: Kurtz Spectral Status and Its Ideological Function in Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness.’” Atlantis: A Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies. 32/2 (Dec 2011): 43-60.
- Domínguez Pena, Susana Manuela. “Tradition versus Innovation: The Art of Reconciling a Dichotomy.” En “To Banish Ghost and Goblin”: New Essays on Irish Culture, Rubén Jarazo Álvarez, ed. España/Florida: Netbiblo, 2010. 33-38
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Language and Myth. ‘The voce of Shaun, vote of the Irish, voise from afar.’” Vigorous Joyce: Atlantic Readings of James Joyce, María Teresa Caneda Cabrera, Vanessa Silva Fernández e Martín Urdiales Shaw, eds. Vigo: Universidade de Vigo, 2010. 151-164.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Antidotes to Celtic Tiger Ireland in Contemporary Irish Fiction: Anne Haverty’s ‘The Free and Easy’” and Éillís Ní Dhuibne’s Fox, Swallow, Scarecrow.” In the Wake of the Tiger: Irish Studies in the Twentieth-First Century, David Clark e Rubén Jarazo Álvarez, eds. A Coruña: Netbiblo, 2010. 199-210.
- Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles. “Evaluating Lexical Cohesion in Telephone Conversations.” Discourse Studies5 (2010): 1-25.
- Hannay, Mike e María de los Ángeles Gómez González. “Thematic Parentheticals in Dutch and English.” Linguistics and the Human Sciences1-3 (2010): 99-127.
- Nogueira, María Xesús, Laura Lojo Rodríguez e Manuela Palacios González. “Writers, Publishers, and Critics in Galicia and Ireland: an entente cordiale?” Creation, Publishing, and Criticism: The Advance of Women’s Writing, María Xesús Nogueria, Laura Lojo e Manuela Palacios, eds. New York: Peter Lang, 2010. 1-34.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Galician Women Poets Today: Moving from Strength to Strength.” To the Wind Our Sails: Irish Poetry Translate Galician Poetry, Mary O’Donnell e Manuela Palacios, eds. Eds.Cliffs of Moher, Ireland: Salmon Poetry, 2010.
- Taboada, Maite e María de los Ángeles Gómez González. “Discourse markers and coherence relations: Comparison across markers, languages and modalities.” Linguistics and the Human Sciences1-3 (2010): 17-41.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Could we Speak about an Eco-Feminist Joyce?” New Perspectives on James Joyce: Ignatius Loyola, make haste to help me. M. L. Suárez Castiñeira, A. A. García de Salazar e O. Fernández Vicente, eds. Bilbao: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Deusto, 2009. 211-224.
- Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “‘Lonely voices’: el relato breve irlandés.” Quimera: Revista de Literatura, 306 (2009): 39-42.
- Fra López, Patricia. “¿Puede el arte cambiar la sociedad? Cradle Will Rock o un ejemplo de censura política en el teatro y su reflejo en el cine norteamericano”. Lecturas: Imágenes 6. Revista de la Poética de la Imagen. Cine y Teatro, Carmen Becerra, ed. Vigo: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo. 2009, pp. 6-83.
- Fra López, Patricia. “Introdución”. Edith Wharton, A Idade da Inocencia, introd. Patricia Fra López, trad. Mª Fe González Fernández. 2009, pp. 9-69.
- Fra López, Patricia. “El conflicto entre la ilusión y la realidad: Blanche DuBois o el espectro de la bella sureña en la obra dramática de Tennessee Williams y su correspondiente versión cinematográfica.” El teatro del género, el género del teatro: Las artes escénicas y la representación de la identidad sexual. Alfonso Ceballos, Ramón Espejo e Bernardo Muñoz, eds. Madrid: Fundamentos. 2009, pp. 189-210.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “‘Making sense of wilderness’ through the written word: an interview with Anne Le Marquand Hartigan.” En Writing Bonds: Irish and Galician Contemporary Women Poets. Manuela Palacios González e Laura Lojo Rodríguez, eds. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2009. 195-203.
- Lojo Rodríguez, Laura. “The Poetics of Motherhood in Contemporary Irish Women’s Verse.” Writing Bonds: Irish and Galician Contemporary Women Poets, Manuela Palacios González e Laura Lojo Rodríguez, eds. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2009. 123-140.
- Mourón Figueroa, Cristina. “El Auto de Resurrección de Fisterra: análisis de una tradición dramática medieval.” Anuario Brigantino 32 (2009): 407-432.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “Within and Beyond the Nation: Contemporary Irish and Galician Women Poets.” European Journal of English Studies2 (2009): 193-206.
- Palacios González, Manuela. “The Course of Nature: An Ecofeminist Reading of Irish and Galician Women Poets.” Writing Bonds: Irish and Galician Contemporary Women Poets, Manuela Palacios e Laura Lojo Rodríguez, eds. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2009. 77-96.
- Palacios González, Manuela e Laura Lojo Rodríguez. “Poetry, Gender and Transnational Bonds. An Introduction.” Writing Bonds: Irish and Galician Contemporary Women Poets, Manuela Palacios e Laura Lojo Rodríguez, eds. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2009. 13-30.