Manuela Palacios González

Manuela Palacios González is Associate Professor in English Literature at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) in Spain. She has directed six research projects on contemporary Irish and Galician literature that have been funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, and has edited and co-edited several books and special issues in journals in relation to this topic: Pluriversos (2003), Palabras extremas (2008), Writing Bonds (2009), Creation, Publishing and Criticism (2010), To the Winds Our Sails (2010), Forked Tongues (2012) e Six Galician Poets (2016), Migrant Shores (2017), Ανθολογία Νέων Γαλικιανών Ποιητών – Antoloxía De Poesía Galega Nova (2019), Eco-Fictions, the Animal Trope and Irish Studies  (Estudios Irlandeses, 15.2, 2020). She is also the author of the book Us & Them: Women Writers’ Discourses on Foreignness (2023). Her other publications include translations of European and Arabic poetry and fiction (Los ritos de los sentidos, Vello ceo nórdico, Cara ao faro), monographs on Virginia Woolf’s pictorial imagery and Shakespeare’s Richard III, as well as articles on ecocriticism. In 2020 she became a member of the College of Expert Reviewers da European Science Foundation.



Eco-Fictions, the Animal Trope and Irish Studies (co-editado con Margarita Estévez Saá e Noemí Pereira Ares) (2020). Special Issue Estudios Irlandeses 15.2 (2020). ISSN: 1699-311X.

“Otherwhereness and Gender: Mary O’Malley’s Asylum Road and Marga do Val’s A cidade sen roupa ao sol” (Co-escrito con María Xesús Nogueira Pereira). Oceánide, 13 (2020): 103-110. ISSN: 1989-6328.

“Relational Difference in Sinéad Morrissey’s Poetry: An Ecocritical Approach” Études Irlandaises, 44.1 (2019): 73-85. DOI: 10.1080/00497878.2018.1425579 ISSN: 2259-8863, 0243-1106

“Inside the Whale: Configurations of An-other Female Subjectivity” Women’s Studies,47.2 (2018): 160-172. DOI: 10.1080/00497878.2018.1425579

“Of Penelopes, Mermaids and Flying Women: Celia de Fréine’s Tropes of Mobility”. Estudios Irlandeses 12 (2017).92-103. ISSN: 1699-311X.

Los ritos de los sentidos. Poesía árabe. Antoloxía, tradución, introdución e apéndices por Jaouad Elouafi, Bahi Takkouche, Manuela Palacios e Arturo Casas. Ilustraciones caligráficas por Hachemi Mokrane. Madrid: Cantarabia, 2015. ISBN: 978-84-86514-63.