Patricia Fra López
Patricia Fra López is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English and German at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where she teaches several subjects in the area of North American Literature and Culture, as well as other subjects related to English and American Literature and Film. Her research interests center on diverse topics of 19th and 20th century American Literature and Culture. Thus, she has worked on the difficult relationship renown writers like F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck, Tennessee Williams and Edith Wharton had with film, and has published numerous book chapters, articles, or volumes like Film and literature in F.Scott Fitzgerald: from literary to cinematographic text [Cine y literatura en F.Scott Fitzgerald: del texto literario al guión cinematográfico, USC, 2002)]. Another research interest she has pursued is centered on Southern Literature written by women, and she has formed part of several research projects on the matter, i.e., Female autobiography in the South of the US (2014-), The Civil Rights Movement reflected in American fiction and drama (2011-2013) or Women, Space, Gender and Race in Southern Women Narratives (2007-2010). In this line of research, between 2004 and 2006, she led a research project titled “Visions of the South of the US in film and literature” (“Visións do Sur dos EEUU no cine e na literatura”). Lately she has focused her interest on two fields: female travel writing and domestic violence. The former had Edith Wharton as the main subject, and began with a research project titled “Back to Compostela” and other travel notes: Edith Wharton and the Pilgrim’s Way in the 1920s (2009-10) [“Regreso a Compostela” e outros cadernos de viaxe: Edith Wharton e o Camiño de Santiago nos anos 20], 2009-10, and had as a result the publication of the volume Edith Wharton. Back to Compostela/ Regreso a Compostela. The Woman, the Writer, the Way (2011). On the other hand, one of her ongoing research interests has focused on the treatment Tennessee Williams gave to domestic violence in his plays, such as A Streetcar Named Desire, and in its film versions. Patricia Fra López belongs to the following scientific societies: Edith Wharton Society, the Southern Studies Forum, SAAS (Spanish Association of American Studies) and EAAS (European Association of American Studies), and she is an active member of AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos). She is also one of the founding members of CEFILMUS (Centro de Estudos Fílmicos da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela).
“El último viaje a España con W[alter], 1925” e “Regreso a Compostela” (trad.). Del viaje como arte. Travesías por España, Francia, Italia y el Mediterráneo, Teresa Gómez Reud, ed. Del viaje como arte. Travesías por España, Francia, Italia y el Mediterráneo. Madrid: La línea del horizonte. 2016, pp. 238-262.
“Las escritoras en el Camino: el peregrinaje de Edith Wharton a Santiago de Compostela 1925-1930“. Miradas cruzadas. Escritoras, artistas e imaginarios (España-EE.UU. 1830-1930), Fernanda Bustamante e Beatriz Ferrús (coords.). Valencia: PUV-Universidad de Valencia. 2015, pp.139-165.
“De la letra a la imagen. O de cómo volver a hablar sobre literatura, cine, adaptación y no morir en el intento…” Diálogos Intertextuales 6: The Lion King/ El Rey León, Ana Pereira Rodríguez e Lourdes Lorenzo García, eds. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 2014, pp. 23-45.
“¡La crueldad intencionada es imperdonable! Violencia doméstica en varias obras de Tennessee Williams y sus versiones cinematográficas“. Rompiendo un mar de silencio: reflexiones interdisciplinares sobre la violencia contra las mujeres, Eulalia Piñero Gil e Julia Salmerón Cabañas, eds. Madrid: UAM Ediciones. 2013. pp. 136-148.
Edith Wharton: Back to Compostela/Regreso a Compostela: The Woman, the Writer, the Way. Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Santiago. 2011.
‘Introdución‘. Edith Wharton, A idade da Inocencia, introd. Patrica Fra López, trad. Mª Fe González Fernández. 2009, pp. 9-69.
“¿Puede el arte cambiar la sociedad? Cradle Will Rock o un ejemplo de censura política en el teatro y su reflejo en el cine norteamericano“. Lecturas: Imágenes 6. Revista de la Poética de la imagen. Cine y teatro, Carmen Becerra, ed. Vigo: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo. 2009, pp. 6-83.
“El conflicto entre la ilusión y la realidad: Blanche DuBois o el espectro de la bella sureña en la obra dramática de Tennessee Williams y su correspondiente versión cinematográfica.” El teatro del género, el género del teatro: Las artes escénicas y la representación de la identidad sexual, Alfonso Ceballos, Ramón Espejo e Bernardo Muñoz, eds. Madrid: Fundamentos. 2009, pp. 189-210.